Thursday, November 26, 2009

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native America

And if there is someone in here with the last name Two Feathers, would you get offended?

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Do you have Native American backround? A full rundown of tribal membership arcana would fill several volumes, as each of the nation's 562 federally recognized tribes has its own rules, typically outlined in their respective constitutions. In general, however, tribes use either the blood quantum system or the descent system. The former approach uses an ancestry threshold to determine an applicant's fitness for membership. Many tribes require that aspirants possess a certain degree, or percentage, of the relevant "Indian blood," in addition to satisfying a few other ancestry requirements. The Nez Perce, for example, will grant membership only to those "who are at least one fourth degree Nez Perce Indian ancestry born to a member of the Nez Perce Tribe." So, an applicant with one biological parent who was half Nez Perce by blood, as well as a tribal member, would have a good shot at making the rolls, too.

To determine blood quantum, many tribes ask applicants to obtain a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood, issued by the BIA. Those seeking a CDIB must provide the government with primary sources, such as birth certificates and marriage records, to prove their level of Native American ancestry. The CDIB, or "white card," then lists the precise percentage of the bearer's blood that is Indian. If the required threshold is met, the hopeful can then apply directly to a tribe using the blood quantum system.

You can also get information from the DOI - indian ancestry see link below

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

no i am not full blood are you but i am part indian and who cares what you think? anybody ? Report It

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

You can say whatever you want to say, that does't mean that I am going to believe you kemosabe!

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)




I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)


I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

u r so so dumb

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

you are not Indian in the same manner AM not American,

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

i don't think it matters if u have blue eyes and blond hair and ur last name is smith, iam part native American (Cherokee, and black foot) and my last name is Scottish and i don't see why u can't say ur native American too.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Be proud of who you are! You are a white, everyone can see that, no reason in trying not to be.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

No, because you are not an Indian. You can call yourself Native American though, as long as you were born here.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

This is Running Armedillo,no I am not offended.Many of us have blonde hair and blue eyes.I even have a

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

I've got relatives that are Native American, but I'm mostly descended from English and Danish. If you can prove that you are Native or not, go ahead.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Only if your are an academic. You also need to claim (falsely) that you are a recognized member of a tribe (pick one). Then make fake Indian artifacts, and sell them for outrageous prices. Make sure all your applications are checked for native american.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

will you be proud to be called american

being an indian is much more honored

reconsider it

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

The only people who should get offended are the small minded and ignorant. If you are of Native American Decent and want to celebrate, embrace and proudly represent that part of you; then go for it. No one has the right to say "go home" unless they're walking onto a plane themselves. How you choose to identify yourself and your culture is up to you, you shouldn't ever look to other people for approval. So what if your last name is Smith? Most people take the last names of their husbands, so at some point in your family history the last name may resemble that of Asian decent...none of that changes who you are nor what you connect with culturally.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Isn't there more smiths than white people. Why are you denying your heritage. Don't a lot of Americans have Native American in them. As far as 2 of your responses they can fall off the flat planet they call Earth. Remember Human beings today are the best of the best because we survived.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

did you see ria_en_voz_alta post lol get it now these are the people you want to help lol and besides you don't know anything about Indian names in my family history we have Indians who were named George Washington and thumper , Abraham , moses, walking stick , what are you getting at ?

just as there are mexicans named john ,carlos, mike lol names its not the issue or claiming something your not. it wont change the facts of this issue ,and you made no point .

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

It is not okay to claim someone or something you're not.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Your name is immaterial.

Your ancestors speak through your blood and your Folksoul.

Either you are, or you aren't... the Ancestors know.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

We are all children of God and your forefather (LIKE 99% of us) were forced to assimilate and become "American"

You should try and rediscover your Native roots if you have any Indian in your family.

Many Americans are totally IGNORANT of their roots(except me) and they FAIL to realize that ALL OF OUR FOREFATHER WERE IMMIGRANTS! (Expect if you are Native American)

I would not be offended if you claimed to be Native American! We should all be proud of our roots EVEN if they are not from a northern European country!

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Why should I care?

I don't even know you!

P.S. John Smith was White and he was with the Indians

and "Lost Colony".

You should be proud to be Smith.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

its ok

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

no i am Native American Indian and i have red hair and green eyes and My last name is RattleSnake yes i am Injin

I have blond hair and blue eyes, and my last name is Smith. Is it OK for me to say im Native American (Indian)

Smrt_Ltna is absolutely correct.

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