Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

I am going to a hair salon tomorrow AVEDA to get my hair cut and colored. I have what I believe to be medium brown hair, not 100% sure it could be considered dark aswell, but I have seen people with darker brown than mine.

I am wanting to put blond in my hair. I have had blond highlights once before but didn't like it because you really couldn't tell except when I stepped in the light just right.

I don't want to die my hair all the way blond, I don't want it to look fake. I want to go for a natural look. I want a brownish blond look, coloring hair is expensive so I want to look like I have blond in my hair.

I don't want a blond color that I will have to go touch up my roots every two or three weeks. Something that when my roots start to show they don't look to out of place?

Is it possible to reach this? How do I explain this to my stylist?

Sorry for the long ramble :S

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

Its absolutely possible to achieve the look you are wanting. Explain to your stylist exactly what you just said here. Your stylist will probably do foils, which is a method of high lighting your hair, but many different colors can be used.

As a hair stylist, if you came into my salon, I'd probably foil your hair with three different colors. My first color would be 1 level lighter than your natural color, the second color would be 3 levels lighter than your natural color and the third color would be 4 levels lighter than your natural. I would leave a thin piece (1/8th of an inch) of your natural color between each foil. After everything is done, all the colors will blend together giving you the look that you want. And because you have 4 colors in your hair (your natural plus the other three) it will look totally natural.

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

highlights prolly are u best choice

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

thats the same problem im having. im thinking of going a golden blonde so when my brown roots grow out i wont have to reach into my piggy bank and get touch-up money. look on the internet for celebrity hair color you like and print it out. take the photo to the stylist. Tell them " I am really picky about my hair, can you achieve this look". Make sure they sound and look confident. If they dont, go somewhere else. hair says alot about a woman

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

just like you eplained it to us. Just let her know that you want natural looking highlights, which are a few shades lighter than your natural color, and lighter and no matter what it will look "done". If you truly want it to look natural then sandy blonde highlights should look great with your loght brown hair. and also tell her to put highlights around the frame of your face but not where you can see it in the hairline around your face, know what I mean? Good luck!

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

Well you may have to do lt a couple of times before you can get lt really blonde. l have brown hair to and l died my hair and lt went an auburn color. so l gave up. but you`ll have to do lt at least try lt about three times. lt`s eventually gonna turn blonde. lt was awful when l tried to get my hair to go blonde.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes & br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes.

lol... who knows... best getg DNA...t

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

You can't rely on physical features to determine who the dad is. Only a DNA test can tell you for sure.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

All babys are born with blue eyes, they change over the first year. Paternity test is the only 100% way of knowing who the father is.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

ask Maury

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

both of my babies had blonde hair and blue eyes , and thier father has black hair and brown eyes

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

Jerry Jerry Jerry!! or if you want a lil less drama call the Maury show!! He will let you know how the daddy is in 48 hours!!

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

this depends on what the mother looks like too. genetics aren't based on just the dad. in this case, if the mother does not have blue eyes then there is not way the baby would have blue eyes if the father has brown eyes. two brown eyes don't make a blue. however a browned eyed dad and blue eyed mom can make a blue eyed baby. a blue eyed dad and blue eyed mom cannot make a brown eyed baby. it is too much for me to keep explaining... but like i said it depends on what the mother has genetically as well.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

Could be either one. Blue eyes are a recessive trait. The guy with brown eyes could carry that gene without it showing.

That is his genotype could be BB or Bb, and his phenotype is brown with either one.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

it's most likely the man with blonde hair and blue eyes is the baby's daddy, but it's possible for two brown hair, brown eyed ppl to conceive a child that has blonde hair and blue eyes, if it's somewhere in either family (ex: the mother's father has blue eyes, etc.)

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

Dna testing is the only way..do it quickly before you cause hurt feelings and more confusion than you already have. And please be mindful of your health, use a condom!!! Peace and Blessings

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

Get a DNA test and find out.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

Have paternity testing completed to get accurate information as it is necessary for the baby's future.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

No way to tell with out a DNA test. BTW Shorte716 or whatever...not all babies are born with blue eyes and they change. I have six children....4 were born with blue and they all stayed blue and 2 were born with brown and they stayed brown. Please get your facts straight before you quote something like that and give people the wrong ideas. so please just get a dna test done asap so this poor child can know it's real father and not find out in years to come.

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

Well it should like the guy with bl w/ blue eyes but now if u have blond hair and blue eyes it can be the other guyz kid i think u should get a DNA test to really find out whos it it so u dont tell one of the guyz its his and really its not so get a DNA test

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

if you dont know !!!!!!!!

Between 2 guys 1 w/ br eyes %26amp; br hair and 1 with blond hair blue eyes. baby has bl w/ blue eyes. whos the dad?

It could be either guy. Here's how:

In simplified genetics brown eyes or hair is a dominate trait over the recessive traits of blue eyes/blond hair. A dominate gene is the one that shows up while a recessive trait doesn't always show. They write dominate traits with capital letters and recessive traits with lower case letters. So brown is written "B" and blue or blond is written "b".

You get one set of genes from your mother and one set from your father so you have 2 genes going in to make each trait. So a blue eyed person would have to have a b from his mom and a b from his dad or "bb". That's the only way to get blue eyes.

A brown eyed person could have 2 brown eyed genes, one from each parent, and be "BB" or he could have one B from one parent and one b from the other making him "Bb".

Now for the baby you're asking about, with blue eyes he has to have "bb" but he could be the result of either man. If it's the brown haired father then he must have a "b" recessive gene and the baby got that one.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these

What do you think is cool ? And what would look good on a semi light complexioned person with light brown hair and green eyes ?

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

It depends on what you are going for...blue and black are a cool combo, but go with your heart!! Oh and when its dyed, condition it extra, cuz it may dry out faster

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Just buy a clown rainbow wig

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Light brown hair goes really well with green eyes. Mayb its not the color u don't like maybe you should try a new hair style, it make u look copmpletely different when u get the right cut.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

I think the black maybe a dark brown underneath than blond %26amp; red highlite swould look really nice...it's really whatever u like %26amp; what makes u feel best

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

be crazy die it green pink blue and black!!! that would be awesome


Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

if u do a combination won't u just get black?

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Bonde! Blondes have more fun!

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

I am a fan of blue.

I have had it a few times and my coloring is similar to yours except for the eyes...

Green would be cool but the problem is that the only greens that I could find are like super bright green and I find that just looks ODD.

Anyway, whatever you do have fun with it! ;)

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Because of your hair color now, eyes, and complexion, I'd say either a red or orange. Either a dark red or a pale orange would look pretty good with it...it wouldn't clash with your tones. Black might be too severe, but if you already have dark eyebrows, match it! Just do whatever you feel like, it's your hair! Have fun!

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Yes to all. You'll certainly stand out in a crowd, even with those that dress outlandishly garish with no common sense.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Purple. It will make your eyes pop.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Keep dying it thats what my cafe lady does and it doesn't matter because you "ain't worth crap"

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

if ur black dye it black if ur white dye it blond

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

If you were to shave it all off life would be a bit less complicated.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

If your looking for a fun and funky hair color you should try solid blonde on top and a hot pink on bottom, we did it to my bf's hair in cosmo. school it was sweet!

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

divide into 6 section and put each section a blue,red, pink,blonde, green, black or divide into 12 sections and put each a color and you will have two color each. cute! cute!

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

Right now i have a black hair and light skin and in the winter i look kinda like a corpse. You should go firetruck red...it adds a type of warmth. :) And it also isn't harsh on your hair. But if you want to stand out I would do a combination of blue and pink and black

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

about any of these colors would work, depending on what the undertones of your skin are. when going with unusual colors, i'd stick with just one, unless you want to accent a neutral with one: ex;black and pink or black and blue, etc. or the colors are really close, like pink and purple.

the thing about dying all one color in a bright is that it gets incredibly expensive. out of red, pink, and blue, blue stays the best and dosen't look as gross fading out. pink only stays cute after about 4 washes, and then it sort of becomes a sickly cotton candy color. you can prolong the life of your color by using baby shampoo or one designed for color, like shimmer lights (you can get this stuff at sallys, and it comes in a purple bottle).

just make sure you bleach first if you are going with brights or otherwise it will look awful. don't condition right after you bleach; if the hair is kind of dry it will absorb the color much better. i recommend manic panic dye and bleach. oh. and make sure you use gloves and put vasaline on your ears and hairline, unless you want to look like a smurf. if you want to switch out colors, pink acutually looks really cute over faded blue- it turns into sort of a multi tone pink and purple. and don't use kool aid, it will look gross and attract bees. trust me, i've had many a hair dye mishap in my high school days, but it is definitely fun once you get all the kinks sorted out.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

I think that you should dye your hair a color that you think is cool and not what everyone else thinks is cool......go to this website for stories, suggestions, brands, and tips on dying your hair unusual colors....well if u wanna. also if you are trying to pick a color that matches your eyes and complexion....try a hairstylist.


Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

keep your natural hair color.

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?

die it a combination of colors so i can laugh at you just playing definitely not black or green or pink or blue or red so i guess i'd pick blonde

Should i dye my hair blond or red or black or green or pink or blue or red or a combination of these colors?


You can see over 400 photos of bright hair dye results.

Manic Panic and Special Effects photos

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

Depends what part of the country you are from...(southern or northern)

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

BECAUSE were unique :D lol

im a blond italian.. and my family is from rome.. it's just genetics i guess. but were rare Report It

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

The milk man.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

To make people like you wonder... It' all in the gene pool.... Who would be scared of a blondie with baby blues named Guido anyway???

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

Its the differnce between northern and southern italy

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

Because of genetics???

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

It is gentics my freind

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

Depends where they're from in Italy.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

The southern Italians tend to be darker, while the northern Italians are lighter, and more likely to have blond hair and blue eyes, because that part of Italy is close to Germany and Switzerland.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

the blondes come from northern Italy.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

Depends on where they are from. The northern Italians have the blonde hair, blue eyes. im supposing maybe most of the Italians here have come from the south.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

It really depends on where in Italy he/she is from. Italians from up north are closer to France and Germany. So they are more likely to have the blonde/blue eye mix in their ancestry. Southern Italians are closer to Spain and African whose figures are darker.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

maybe bcoz of their mom and dad :-)


Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

If you want the blond, blue-eyed Italians, you have to go to Northern Italy. You have to remember that modern Italy did not exist as a unified nation did not exist until very recently in European history compared to some of the rest of the nations of Europe and the boundaries and the many peoples and ethnic groups were forever changing.

I personally can trace my descent to one of the most power families in Italian history, but I don't look Italian, because, they married the French, who married the English, etc.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

depends on what part of Italy they are from.

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

Well it all depends on what region of Itlay you come from. For example people who live in the South of Italy are darker than the people in the North of Italy. I have olive skin and dark hair because I come from Sicily

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

That's what you think! I've been living in Italy for 8 years now, and there are plenty of Italians with blond hair and blue or green eyes. If you come to Italy and stay in certain areas such as the Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna (the Emilia part in particular), etc you will see that there are lots and lots of tall Italians with blond hair and light-colored eyes (both men and women).

Why do Italians have dark hair and skin mostly, but only a few have blond hair and blue eyes?

The blonde ones are the ones that should have been discarded because of their deformities.

Removal of blond facial hair?

Have had electrolosis for many years but with minimal success any ideas?. Cannot have laser because the hair is too light

Removal of blond facial hair?

There are a number of products you could use on fine facial hair.

Wax Away have a good facial wax and you could follow that up with Kalo Post Epilating Lotion which will make the hair regrowth finer and slow down its growth cycle.

You could also use a trimmer like the Shavy Femini which is toothbrush shaped and ideal for facial hair trimming.

Removal of blond facial hair?

well there is always waxing it its fast and simple.

Removal of blond facial hair?

Waxing or a creme depilatory are the best ways, shaving is never the answer. Shaving would have to be done every day or so, waxing or creme would only have to be done about once a month and after a while the hair becomes softer and finer and less visible. Good luck...

Removal of blond facial hair?

You can always try using hair removal creams...my mom uses one because her face is very sensitive and it works.

Removal of blond facial hair?


Removal of blond facial hair?

You could buy your own facial waxing strips at the drug store or go to a salon and have it waxed. If you go to the salon the results last much longer and the hair grows back finer.

Removal of blond facial hair?

i have exactly the same problem.even thought of dying them black for the Lazar beam to follow. i bought a Lazar machine . and it may have worked on one or two.electrolysis just makes them longer and finer but still visible. ..sorry not to be any help, just commiserating.

Removal of blond facial hair?

I find that the best thing is threading - it is not overly painful and unlike wax and creams etc you dont get an allergic reaction. It is fairly fast and pain free - a bit of stinging but you soon get used to it - also it is very cheap. I swear by it and go every couple of weeks and ahave my whole face done for a fiver!!! Bargain! Good luck with it - i know freom experience what a depressing scenario hairness can be!

Can i die my brown hair blond with semi or demi permanent color without it bleaching my hair permane

I want to go from brown to blonde hair temporarily without bleaching

Can i die my brown hair blond with semi or demi permanent color without it bleaching my hair permanently?

honey, there is no way you can lighten your brown hair blonde without it being permanent, In order to get the brown to blonde you have to bleach it, There is no other choice!! you should see a hairdresser and talk some options over with her.


Can i die my brown hair blond with semi or demi permanent color without it bleaching my hair permanently?

sorry, not without bleaching

Can i die my brown hair blond with semi or demi permanent color without it bleaching my hair permanently?

I've gone from brown to blond before and it wasn't permanent. When I was tired of brown, I just dyed it a darker color. I used Herbal Essence. It worked great. I wouldn't recommend this if you plan on using a platinum or bleach blond.

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

I am Jr. High

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

I dooooo

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

jesus crist ur a desperate h.oe

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

yes, just hang in there, you will meet someone someday

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

i like my gf....shes got blonde hair, toned bod and likes sports...phff as if she was quiet i love talkers and shes one of those

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

all kinds of guys do. i do but cant. girlfriend. but u just got to find the right person and go for him. if u like someone but have sceptisism about urself u got to get over that before u go after a guy.

Do any guys like girls who have blond hair average body that likes sports and a little quiet?

wow~ i would ^.^ just hang in there and someone would come along and be with ya~
