Sunday, June 20, 2010

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

ive died my hair for a lot of years i need help badly

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

You need to go to salon that has a coloring specialist---ask for their training and experience----and first they can remove all the hair coloring from your hair., give it a health trim(that's actually what its called) to get rid of all split ends(only way is to cut) and severely damaged hair(if you have) then a deep conditioning(under the dryer) for heat opens the hair follicle and the conditioner will penetrate instead of just sitting on top of the hair strands(coating it)Depending on the condition of your hair may want to add a blond rinse or if hair really dry and so on may have you do conditioning treatments(in the shop) probably 1X week until your hair is in the condition it should be and safe to either add blond color rinse or highlights(if your hair is already a dirty blond then it would be healthier to do blonde(light) highlights then to again dye all the hair. The Colorist will advise you---but even if you wish no further dye or highlights important you go to a well known salon to get your hair healthy again. Good Luck

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

Go to a salon and get a professional opinion. Don't get too dye-happy or you risk your hair falling out (I've seen it happen, very devastating!)

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

to do this you have to slowly go lighter alternating high lites and deep conditioning treatments until you reach desired color. i recommend visiting to find a skilled color technician

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

Yeah, go to a proffessional and have it done there.. Go to someone that a friend has referred or recommended. You really dont want to mess up when it comes to bleaching..

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

they i have done it is slowly go blond. i have naturally dark hair. i started with simple highlights and then just got more. i got to the point that my hair was light enough all over to just dye it. it took about 4 months total. be careful, if you do it to fast your hair will go orange

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

Go to your local Sally Beauty Supplie and get a packet of bleach and some developer 20 Vol. because 40vol is really horrible for your hair... well bleach in general is bad for your hair... but anyways... let it on your hair until it turns.. which should be long since your hair is dishwater you said... start with the ends first because the roots will change alot faster then the bottom will. Ohhh and if you do decide to do it yourself get some deep condition packs they have, they are like 2 bucks or so.

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

Go to a hair salon and tell them wat do u like to do to ur hair...that'll do it

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

go to a salon they will bleach it out and tone back to the level of blonde u want. be carefull find a good stylist not nesecerly a cheep one. if u have never used him or her before ask around about how good there coloring skills are. even if u have used one 4 a hair cut but never color make sure they know their laws of color. not all stylist can color good

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

I'm naturally dirty blonde too, but I get highlights every 3/4 months. I use sheer blonde shampoos and conditioners. They are great. My hair started looking darker because I was using Garnier for so long, but Sheer Blonde by John Frieda brightened my color up.

I'd just say get full highlights. It will look bad if u dye your whole head blonde, leave the bottom dark.

Good luck!

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

DO NOT do this on your own...there have been far to many bleach tragedies...we see them everyday...go to a pro and get some heavy foiling done....then follow it up with some deep conditioning and daily use of real good shampoo and conditoiner products...try biolage hydrating shampoo, and the conditioning a big fan...if you do the heavy foiling, its better for you than doing your entire head, and itll save you horrid obvious regrowth a week and a half later!

I want my hair blond again how do i do it its brown now, I'm a naturally dirty blond??

If the brown isn't to dark you could just let it grow out like that,but if the brown is way darker then your natural color your probably going to want to get something done. The only thing that will get the brown out is hair color remover and that can be very damaging. I would only recomend using the color remover if your hair isn't in bad condition. If you do wind up getting the color stripped out, your hair may turn orange, then you will have to have another color put on that is close to your natural color. You could use a demi permanent color,it isn't as damaging as permanent and it won't change your natural color if you decide to freshen up your color later on after you have some of your natural roots come in. If you decide to do this your self have someone that you trust help you get everything on evenly and make sure to read the directions carefully. Good luck P.S. the hair color remove is not bleach.

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