Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

He had left over for his own hair, he want to put on my son's head, is it ok, to dye a child's hair when he's only 18 month? Is it child abuse?

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I don't think it is a good idea especially for his health. What are you going to do as his hair grows out. If you continue to dye it he will begin to believe that it is normal. He will wonder why his friends don't also do it.

Dyeing hair can also cause skin problems in many children. Read this article.


My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I don't think it's a good idea

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I think the kid should be able to make that decision for himself when he is old enough, not his dad.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I bet you guys did it already, nah it's not cool, don't do that, unless you're an idiot, go ahead,

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

please do not put those chemicles on that childs head it could make him sick

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I don't know if it's abuse, but it's a DUMB IDEA! His skin is too sensitive for that! What if it burns him? Tell him to leave the baby alone. He can save that silliness for when he's older. Right now is NOT the time. I'm betting there are warnings on the box about how old a person should be before it's safe.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

probably not chlid abuse, but not a good idea either.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Don't do it on a kid that young! Is your husband crazy?

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Everyone is different but they don't recomend that for children.

You could tell him that it is child abuse.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Your husband is a knucklehead. Leave the child alone.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Why would you want to dye a little babys hair? I dont think its safe.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I do not think this is strong enough to be called child abuse but still very risky. Who knows how those harsh chemicals could affect your son? Please don't allow this.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

yes! that would be awful and gross. PLEASE don't do it!

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

its not child abuse. might wanna check with a doctor just to see if its healthy for that age

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Bleach is damaging for hair and the scalp, your childs head and hair is not yet up to the same standards as ours, I would probably say no

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

It's ridiculous, the chemicals could hurt him, and you'd be teaching him he isn't 'right' the way he is. Your husband should enjoy the child he has, not the child he wants.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

No do not let ur husband do that because the babys head is still soft and it can both damage and burn the babys hair and head!! my advice is DO NOT LET YOUR HUSBAND DYE HIS HAIR!!!!!!!!

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Its probably not child abuse but it is probably not safe it can burn his scalp...toddlers and baby's have such sensitive scalps so it could really hurt him.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

yes leave it to his older and let him choose wat colour he wants his hair he might want 2 keep his natual colour and hes a bit young for dying his hair

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I doubt it's child abuse, but it is definitely absurd, self-serving, and generally stupid.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

it's not child abuse, but at that age their hair is so cute and shiny at that age. Dying it would dry it out, plus . . . no, I'd say don't do it.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

NO thats not safe and even if it was why would you want to change the way your son looks hes still a baby!? yeah thats child abuse!

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

NO!! Why would you even think of doing that? You will burn that poor babies little head!! Dont do it! Ever!

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Why would you want to? Its just hair color?

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I am sorry but that would be terrible, do not dye his hair, that is just dumb, his skin is to young and sensitive to be putting chemicals on his baby head anf hair.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

Thats a pretty strange feller. Wait until the kid is alittle older.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

it may not b child abuse but i wouldn't dye it until maybe he is at least 2 years of age or more.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

The chemicals could really irritate your baby's skin. How do you explain to a 1 1/2 year-old that he'll be fine, the burning will stop eventually?...

I agree. Not a good idea.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

R yall crazy. No it is not ok to dye his hair. His head is senstitive to the chemicals and he may have an allegeric reaction to the chemicals. Anything can go wrong with that. And besides there are proper way to go by doing hair color anywayz.If it was my child I would not do it but to each their own.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

I'm sorry but I have to say this, your husband is a stupid azz, that is child abuse why on earth would you put toxins into a baby?? at that age they don't have much hair and it will iritate or even burn his scalp!!.Please if your a good mother and care for your infant then don't let this foolish husband of yours do such a thing!!!. Throw the damn dye away will ya.

My husband wants to dye my son's hair blond?

If I'd done that to my kid when she was a year and a half old, she'd have wiggled and squirmed and gotten dye on everything, and probably gotten some in her eyes. Sounds like a bad idea.

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