Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

I am going to a hair salon tomorrow AVEDA to get my hair cut and colored. I have what I believe to be medium brown hair, not 100% sure it could be considered dark aswell, but I have seen people with darker brown than mine.

I am wanting to put blond in my hair. I have had blond highlights once before but didn't like it because you really couldn't tell except when I stepped in the light just right.

I don't want to die my hair all the way blond, I don't want it to look fake. I want to go for a natural look. I want a brownish blond look, coloring hair is expensive so I want to look like I have blond in my hair.

I don't want a blond color that I will have to go touch up my roots every two or three weeks. Something that when my roots start to show they don't look to out of place?

Is it possible to reach this? How do I explain this to my stylist?

Sorry for the long ramble :S

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

Its absolutely possible to achieve the look you are wanting. Explain to your stylist exactly what you just said here. Your stylist will probably do foils, which is a method of high lighting your hair, but many different colors can be used.

As a hair stylist, if you came into my salon, I'd probably foil your hair with three different colors. My first color would be 1 level lighter than your natural color, the second color would be 3 levels lighter than your natural color and the third color would be 4 levels lighter than your natural. I would leave a thin piece (1/8th of an inch) of your natural color between each foil. After everything is done, all the colors will blend together giving you the look that you want. And because you have 4 colors in your hair (your natural plus the other three) it will look totally natural.

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

highlights prolly are u best choice

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

thats the same problem im having. im thinking of going a golden blonde so when my brown roots grow out i wont have to reach into my piggy bank and get touch-up money. look on the internet for celebrity hair color you like and print it out. take the photo to the stylist. Tell them " I am really picky about my hair, can you achieve this look". Make sure they sound and look confident. If they dont, go somewhere else. hair says alot about a woman

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

just like you eplained it to us. Just let her know that you want natural looking highlights, which are a few shades lighter than your natural color, and lighter and no matter what it will look "done". If you truly want it to look natural then sandy blonde highlights should look great with your loght brown hair. and also tell her to put highlights around the frame of your face but not where you can see it in the hairline around your face, know what I mean? Good luck!

Is it possible to go from a medium brown hair color to a natural blond?

Well you may have to do lt a couple of times before you can get lt really blonde. l have brown hair to and l died my hair and lt went an auburn color. so l gave up. but you`ll have to do lt at least try lt about three times. lt`s eventually gonna turn blonde. lt was awful when l tried to get my hair to go blonde.

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