Friday, June 18, 2010

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes & did he get a lot of sunburns?

I always picture him as looking like Jon Lovitz, and having a great sense of comedic timing which, unfortunately, got edited out of the gospels. : )

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

he was born in the sun, as was Mithras

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

no, he had dark hair and dark skin...prolly not

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

I don't think so pretty Kitty. I think Jesus had olive skin and dark hair. The truth one really knows.

Happy Friday all!

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Doesn't matter.

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Jesus was a Jew,

anyway, it wouldn't matter to me what color His skin was

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

No, he was middle eastern, despite the amount of painting that picture him as a european. He probably had olive colored skin, brownish eyes and dark hair, just like every other middle eastern. remeber, he had to be one of the common people to show htat he came for rich and poor alike

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

No, Jesus was a Jew. How many Jews do you know with blonde hair? He was dark and looked like everyone else in the middle east.

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Jesus was a Jew and it stands to believe that he looked like one.

The reason Jesus is portrayed as white with blue eyes or whatever is because Constantine outlawed art more or less. He made it uniform and stated talent was nothing more then pride. Also there were no pictures of Jesus, or even any art for a really long time.

Fast forward to the Renaissance and art is breaking through again. So you have a bunch of Italian guys painting an image of Christ so that people can identify more, especially those who could not read the Bible, and he is going to look Italian.

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

you are all talking about him being a "jew".

last time i checked it was a religion not a race

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

haha love your avatar. Very cuteeeeeeeeeee

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Physical Descriptions of Jesus

The letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar

This is a reprinting of a letter from Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar describing the physical appearance of Jesus. Copies are in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C.


A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.

If you wish, you can read the rest at source below.

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Obviously....just ask the ministers here

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

NA he was olive skinned more than likely brown eyes,was in sun allot as they walked everywhere. Because of pigment of skin not great amount of sunburning as they took precautions in covering up,but w/o Coppertone I am sure he had his share! THank you David G had not seen that site! I have not seen Jesus his apperance does not matter its what he did that matters I believe!

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

How is this relevant to our eternal salvation?

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

He had no form of comliness one prophet said, we most likely would have passed Him without much notice. But it was the power of His teachings, that if obeyed bring forth results.

He, being of the Middle East, was true to nature as we see nature when it produces our children. I would say, that He was dark haired with olive-brown skin with dark eyes. Average built, but MATURE, FILLED FULL OF MERCY, GRACE, AND POWER.

Let me know if I use too big of words, or too grand of concepts....I will try to use smaller one, like if and it, instead of Timbukktu and Constintanople.

But He is beautiful, to the point, and He will tolerate all of the sneers, slaps, and curses, that a silly human race can place on Him.

He came as a Lamb of God, and as a lamb opened not his mouth, for He willingly became the curse, so that any that should choose to believe on Him might live.

A price had to be paid, for God is just, and God is Holy....I know not an easy way for some of us in this world to relate with concepts as such. Such concepts are foreign, and we in our wisdom knows better than accept such nonesense...

Yet Jesus the Christ will return as The Lion of Judah...and then silly little minded people can ask all of the questions they need to. And He will answer and Judge. Not only them, but also He will judge the nations.

Now, what is powerful is that if we judge ourselves now, then there will not be a judgment for us later. Once again, some people believe that there is not need for any of this...but that is for them to decide. After all it is a matter of free will.

We either save or damn ourselves. But this righteous God must judge sin as sin. Bottom line, no if's and's but's or maybe's.

It may take awhile, but when He appears to the Jewish Nation they will inquire where the scars on His hands came from, and I believe His answers is...."I received them in the house of a friend"....and then they will see ...for their eyes will be opened that their Christ, came a long time ago to break bondage from spiritual darkness.

They rejected Him then because, He didnot come the way they wanted Him to. And be the physical Warrior King, to deliver them from the bondage of Rome. But this should only prove that "WE DON'T GET TO MAKE ANY CHANGES, DELETE ANY SCENES, OR SUBSTITUTE ONE CONCEPT FOR ANOTHER".

The Living God is the author and finisher of the book, not we simpleton human beings. Who worship the creation more than the Creator. How silly!

I am not certain when, this will happen, I am certain that it will happen.

Just as the relationship between Russia, Iran and other Muslim coaligned nations will attack Israel.

Just as the annointed forsight gives us evidences of scoffers and mockers in the end, and like as it says that\"As it was in the days of Noah.....", or "As it was in the days of Sodom and Gommorah", just as it reveals to us, a "PERVERTED GENERATION, CALLING TO THEIR PLAYMATES IN THE MARKET PLACE."

The society that we live in has asked, "Where is the promise of His return?" Getting all puffed up in their own deluded minds. Learned minds, minds that think they could be as wise as the Eternal God.

Calling sin, good and rightful, and calling rightful and good bad and evil.

They as if showing themselves wise, show their uttmost foolishness.

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

If so, I'll bet he got all the girls, too

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Yes most definitly white and since he was in Jerusalam Judea he may have had a lot of sun burns.

Was Jesus White with blond hair and blue eyes %26amp; did he get a lot of sunburns?

Wasn't Jesus as Israeli? I find that most Israeli people have dark hair and olive skin. I doubt he was blond and blue-eyed. I think they would have mentioned in the Bible if Jesus was like that.

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