Friday, June 18, 2010

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair

eyes. I am in 7th grade.He runs his mouth back to them too but he dosen't hit them back when they hit him they hit him hard like on the neck face and pushes him I told him he needs to stop letting them hit him and he said he was but they are still hitting him I told him he needs to bring something to school and knock all of them out I am really concerned for him because they can break his neck or injure him as hard as they hit him our teacher dosen't care about anything she lets the students curse,make fun of people,hit each other, talk i'm getting sick of this,this is the first time i've ever had a teacher like this WHAT SHOULD I DO ? I told my mom she said she wasn't going to get in because she is not there to see whats going on but wishes she could help.

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

Talk to a counselor or a good teacher about because this can be pretty serious. Dont be afraid to stand up for him when yo usee it happening. I hope you do well and can help him.

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

Thats horrible! I would tell the counsler or something! If it gets really bad tell the principal or police. Why are they hitting him for they way he dresses! Are generation is pathetic! If i was you, i would personallyy kick those kids a**'s, especially if this kid is your friend. But don't do that....

Good luck, hope this helps.

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

awwwwwwwwwww i'm sorry to hear about this..... try talking to a counselor or trusted teacher-friend at school because that is way outta hand! worse come to worse i have found that pepper spray is effective when protecting yourself and teaching people a lesson! (by the way DO NOT try to stop the fights yourself, the best way to help this boy is be his friend and try to cheer him up)

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

Sweetie, your friend has a serious problem and needs adult help. He needs to go to the counselor and/or principal of the school and tell them what's happening. His parents should get involved.

In the meantime, I gave you a link for a website that has information you can use and ask your mother to read it too. Please don't encourage your friend to "bring something to school". Kids have a very narrow way of looking at life and you don't want to make the problem worse.

Find an adult to help you, if you can't find one keep talking until someone listens.

Good Luck to you and your friend!

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

well it seems like a pretty intense should go to the principle..good luck :o)

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

Kick their ***. sometimes you can tell and the person wont do anything about it and it will get worse. but if you tell a trusted person that's alot better. but i would still kick their ***

There is this boy in my class the students make fun of the way he looks and dress he has blond hair and blue?

Im in 7th grade too!!

defend him. you can be his body guard or just bring me.

I wasn't called the school terminator for nothing!

Or black mail them or report to the principal.

Look last year at my school a kid died when a student hit his head. And the blow hit his tumor which no one knew about and it blew to pieces and spreaded all around his body.


Or threaten to kick their balls cause u say the teacher doesn't care or round up your friends and beat them.

this is serious or just tell his parents.

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